2020 Local 38 Elections

Notice of Nominations

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Members of Calgary Public Teachers, Alberta Teachers' Association Local 38 are hereby notified that NOMINATIONS for positions on the Local Association Executive Committee for the period 2020 July 1 to 2022 June 30 will be received up to 2020 February 4, 1630 hrs at the Local office, 212, 3016 - 5 Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2A 6K4.

Any ten members of the Local Association may nominate a candidate who is a member of the Local for:

Any ten members of a constituent group in the Local Association may nominate a candidate from within the constituent group of which they are a member for:

Any ten members of the Local Association may nominate a candidate who is a member of the Local Association as a candidate for:

Any five principals who are members of the Local Association may nominate a principal who is a member of the Local Association as a candidate for:

Any five substitute teachers who are listed on the Calgary Board of Education substitute teachers' roster for the current school year may nominate a substitute teacher who is a member of the Local as a candidate for:

Notice of Nominations 2020 January 20
Close of Nominations 2020 February 4
Address CSR 2020 March 4
Ballots Mailed to Schools 2020 February 24
Campaigning to 2020 March 9
Advance Poll (Local Office) 2020 March 9
ELECTION DAY 2020 March 18
Ballot Return (CSR) 2020 April 15**
Ballot Count 2020 April 15
Announce Results 2020 April 16
Appeals by 2020 April 24

 **Due to the CSR Date change from April 8 to April 15,
ballot return has been modified from the original notice
of nominations.


The President of the Local is seconded full time from the Calgary Board of Education. Members of the Executive Committee are expected to attend all regular and extraordinary meetings of the Executive Committee and CSR, as well as General Meetings, functions of the Local, Regional Conferences and the Annual Representative Assembly. Per diem and kilometrage expenses are provided.

Duties of Executive Committee members are outlined in Articles 4 & 5 of the Local Constitution. Position descriptions for each office is below:

Nomination and acceptance forms, as well as a copy of the Constitution, are available from your School Representative(s), are available on the Local 38 website or may be obtained from the Local office (403-262-6616).